workforce management mostly designed to assig the employees right. The most popular workforce management actions are employees working time Scheduling and the most popular Time and attendance and employees absence management.
The market demand managers control and optimization of employees request attendance and absence request
The (WFM) market is still quite young compare to the other management software such as:
• SCM (Supply Chain Management)
• PPS (production planning systems)
• ERP (enterprise resource planning).
Workforce management software
Synel MLL PayWay is the leading company in the field of Work Force Management with over 20 years of experience for wide range of business from the very smale to the biggest companies
Synel MLL PayWay launched Harmony software with wide range of modules and solutions, from the small campanies with cloud solutions to the biggest retail companies that using the integrated system of Harmony modules including:
• Time and attendance
• Access control
• Employees time scheduling
• Web reporting
• Job management