SYNERGY the advanced time recording terminal from Synel Mll Payway LTD. is a Biometric fingerprint for employees Time and Attendance system.
the Synergy is a programmable terminal with flexible application, the terminal may work as an online using the internet lines or off-line using the USB stick.
In order to increase product reliability, Synel implemented the main boards with a release ECO note.
Changes made in the board:
1. The RS232/RS485 serial connector was canceled.
2. In its place a push connector for SD is installed.
3. A new connector was added for connecting GPRS to main board.
4. Manual modifications for resetting SD card were integrated into PCB board.
1. SD card must be removed from socket before disassembling terminal back panel.
2. Do not insert an SD card into the designated connector on interface board, as it is no longer functional.