What are these changes that everyone is talking about? What is going to happen to the job market?
“It should be understood that these are not just changes that are about to happen overnight, these are changes that are already taking place today and we see them expanding expeditiously in full force. By 2020, for example, more than 40% of the US labor market will consist of freelancers. Phenomena like digital nomads are gaining momentum and contrary to the old perception that they live from the hand-to-mouth, well-established companies today employ such people.”
“Many countries reduce the number of working days and work from home has become a routine issue. Employees are required to change and acquire soft skills but at the same time executives are required to use technology to bring people closer to a common goal of company growth and human resource management in a constantly decentralized age. To all these changes we are referring to in product-level Synel, today the perception is that the employee is a type of customer that we need to adjust to. ”
How do these trends manifest themselves?
“If some people still have a picture of an employee arriving in the morning for work and reporting entry when arriving in the company’s offices and reporting on leaving, I want to challenge your thinking. Synel which through its terminals in thousands of companies in Israel daily reports over 2.3 million reports and other tens of millions in 54 countries around the world has a unique perspective on the rapidly changing job market before our eyes. ”
“First of all companies employ more temporary and project workers and more permanent workers are eligible to work from home (54% of Israeli companies), freelancers have increased and there is also a widespread discussion over 4 working days per week. All these developments create a new 360-degree human resource challenge. The absorption process varies, the feeling of belonging to the organization, maximizing the effectiveness of every employee and employee. These are all changing rapidly and require technological solutions to which we are preparing through the construction of innovative absorption campaigns that help make the most of every employee or freelancer, calculate his salary and effectiveness for the organization. ”
“Employees who are only equipped with difficult skills such as education, professional experience and training may find it difficult to find their way in the future world of work.”